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A Keystone for Digital Readiness

External Resource: Institute for Digital Transformation

10 October 2019

Your organization has been researching what digital transformation means, speaking with vendors about digital strategies and solutions, maybe even trying to find applications for artificial intelligence or other emerging technologies, and implementing agile approaches. But are you really ready for digital transformation? This article by Whynde Kuehn explores what digital readiness means and how business architecture is a keystone and critical starting point for digital readiness in your organization. © Reprinted from Institute for Digital Transformation.

The Gateway to Successful Digital Transformation

External Resource: Institute for Digital Transformation

7 February 2019

Digital transformation is a fundamental business change that also requires a rewiring of the way an organization operates. An often-overlooked discipline — business architecture — can facilitate the critical bridge between strategy and execution, as well as offer an enabling instrument for digital transformation within an organization. This article describes how the discipline can be a gateway to successful, business-driven digital transformation. © Reprinted from Institute for Digital Transformation.

The Business Architecture Summit: Lessons from the Mountain

External Resource: Cutter Consortium

28 March 2018

Establishing business architecture within an organization takes passion, persistence, and patience. Inspired by over a decade and a half of helping organizations to mature their practices — combined with personal mountaineering experiences — this Advisor shares a few lessons for conquering the “business architecture summit” using mountains as metaphor. (Available for Cutter Consortium members only). NOTE: Not a Cutter member? No worries. A longer version of this article is available for direct download from the S2E website.

Momentum for Business Architecture

External Resource: Cutter Consortium

5 February 2018

Cutter Senior Consultant, Whynde Kuehn, predicts that business architecture will continue to play an essential role in the success of a business and, specifically, that the architecture role will elevate to one of a more strategic nature. Kuehn states, “business architects should challenge themselves to be not only architects, but also leaders and change agents — and develop value-added skills that complement the business architect role.”

This published article, Volume 31, No. 1 of “Cutter Business Technology Journal,” provides a few key predictions for how the business architecture discipline will unfold over the next horizon based on the current business architecture state and trends. NOTE: This article was featured in Cutter's Business Technology Trends and Predictions, 2018. (Available for Cutter Consortium members only).

Business Architecture: Looking Back and Looking Forward (2017)

External Resource: Cutter Consortium

6 December 2017

The adoption of business architecture has continued to increase globally — and at a faster pace than ever — demonstrating that the discipline is here to stay. This Cutter Consortium Advisor provides a brief reflection on the state of business architecture to date and a glimpse into the future. (Available for Cutter Consortium members only).