
15-Minutes With Dr. Frank Granito: Digital Readiness and How Business Architecture Can Accelerate Preparedness

11 October 2019

Whynde Kuehn interviews Dr. Frank Granito, Chief Scientist, Partner, and Institute Fellow at the Institute for Digital Transformation on the concept of digital readiness and the critical role business architecture can serve in accelerating an organization's preparedness for digital transformation.

10-Minutes With William Ulrich: How Business Architecture Can Help Organizations to Become A Cognitive Enterprise

17 September 2019

Whynde Kuehn interviews business architecture leader William Ulrich on how business architecture can enable and support a cognitive enterprise.

15-Minutes With Tamara Park: How Business Architecture Practices Can Leverage Storytelling For Greater Success

15 March 2019

In this StraightTalk podcast, Whynde Kuehn interviews Tamara Park, storyteller extraordinaire, on the power of story and how storytelling can be an inspiring and valuable tool for business architects to employ during organizational transformation. Tamara, an award-winning television producer and documentary series director, is the co-founder of StoryNow, which she describes as the first digital creative agency and production house you can take with you wherever you go.

15-Minutes With Michael Pemberton: How Business Architecture Teams Can Leverage Graphic Recording and Facilitation for Greater Success – Part 2

1 March 2019

Whynde Kuehn, in this podcast conversation with business and strategy architect, Michael Pemberton, explores real-life graphic technique examples that can be used as creative methods to engage participants, at every level of an organization, to improve communication, understanding, and retention of information.

5-Minutes With Sarah Greer: How Business Architecture Practices Can Leverage Graphic Recording and Facilitation For Greater Success – Part 1

1 March 2019

Whynde Kuehn interviews illustrator Sarah Greer on how business architecture practices can leverage graphic recording and graphic facilitation for greater success.

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All StraightTalk podcasts are also available on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you find your podcasts.