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StraightTalk is a professional business blog on a mission to explain business architecture, end-to-end, with the goal of helping to advance the discipline globally through shared knowledge. It's like your personal guide through the world of business architecture — delivered twice monthly.

A Pathway To The Future For All: How Business Architecture Can Help Us Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

By Whynde Kuehn | 29 January 2020

This post explores another angle to using business architecture for good. In previous StraightTalk posts, we’ve discussed how business architecture can be used directly – where business architects leverage business architecture and other techniques to help organizations and initiatives that are doing good to be more successful, such as non-profits, social enterprises and social initiatives. […]

Mind The Gap: How Business Architecture Breaks Down and Bridges Silos

By Whynde Kuehn | 19 January 2020

What is business architecture good for? Perhaps many things come to your mind. It’s a great connector for building a common language. It’s a comprehensive business lens for making decisions. It’s a bridge for effectively executing strategy. And much more. These unique strengths make business architecture a powerful silo-buster. At the end of the day, […]

Life Architecture: Bringing An Intentional Approach to Personal Improvement

By Whynde Kuehn | 4 January 2020

Welcome to the first StraightTalk installment of the new year, and in fact, the new decade. In keeping with our focus on the human side of business architecture, this installment explores the concept of life architecture, inspired by an amazing human story. As you know, the mission of StraightTalk is to break down business architecture bit-by-bit to […]