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StraightTalk is a professional business blog on a mission to explain business architecture, end-to-end, with the goal of helping to advance the discipline globally through shared knowledge. It's like your personal guide through the world of business architecture — delivered twice monthly.

Evolving the Organizational DNA, Part 1: How Business Architecture Can Enable Organizational Sustainability

By Whynde Kuehn | 19 August 2019

This installment of StraightTalk is the first in a series that focuses on how business architecture can be used to catalyze, embed and enforce key sustainability, legal and ethical considerations into an organization’s DNA. Using business architecture in this way truly unlocks its value and power. First up in our series: how business architecture can […]

Return On Business Architecture Investment (ROBAI): How to Calculate the ROI of Business Architecture

By Whynde Kuehn | 5 August 2019

In this installment of StraightTalk, we will focus on one of those burning questions: how do we calculate the return on investment (ROI) of a business architecture practice within an organization? As a global discipline and community of practitioners, we’ve come a long, long way with business architecture. But we’re still on the journey, with […]