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StraightTalk is a professional business blog on a mission to explain business architecture, end-to-end, with the goal of helping to advance the discipline globally through shared knowledge. It's like your personal guide through the world of business architecture — delivered twice monthly.

Seeing Is Believing, Part 3 – How Business Architecture Practices Can Leverage Storytelling for Greater Success

Guest starring: Tamara Park

By Whynde Kuehn | 18 March 2019

Welcome to the last epic installment of our visual and storytelling StraightTalk series, in which we explore the power of story. We know that in order to succeed as business architects, it’s not just about creating architectures and ideas for the future – we also need to convey those ideas, influence others, and incite action. […]

Seeing Is Believing, Part 2 – How Business Architecture Practices Can Leverage Graphic Recording and Facilitation for Greater Success

Guest starring: Sarah Greer & Michael Pemberton

By Whynde Kuehn | 4 March 2019

Welcome to the second installment of our visual and storytelling StraightTalk series. This one is epic. In this installment, we explore how we can leverage two highly engaging, visual techniques – graphic recording and graphic facilitation – as part of our business architecture practice. What we can achieve with business architecture is only as good […]