StraightTalk is a professional business blog on a mission to explain business architecture, end-to-end, with the goal of helping to advance the discipline globally through shared knowledge. It's like your personal guide through the world of business architecture — delivered twice monthly.

Organizing For Success
(a.k.a. Building a Business Architecture Team – Take 2)
By Whynde Kuehn | 17 July 2017
Post No. 8 is all about answering those burning questions around organizational structure and such. Here goes. First, where should the business architecture team report? Starting with the big one. For years now, there has been a trend of business architecture teams reporting to the business—and with success, for a number of reasons. So the […]

An All-Star Cast
(a.k.a. Building a Business Architecture Team – Take 1)
By Whynde Kuehn | 3 July 2017
Okay, thanks to Post No. 6 we know all about business architects. Now let’s talk about how we assemble them into an all-star cast to make magic. First, who should we put on the business architecture team? There are a lot of things to consider, but here are three biggies as you think about your […]